CHICAGO, Oct 12 (RTSG) – Nearly three months after declaring the establishment of the American Communist Party (ACP), hundreds of party members and dozens of chapter representatives from across the United States and Canada met to attend the official inauguration of the party in Chicago. Attending the convention were notables like Eddie Smith, Carlos Garrido, and other members of MWM, Chris Helali, as well as Haz Al-Din, face of the Infrared Show. Jackson Hinkle also made an appearance via a call made from Russia.
Party executives covered numerous topics during the convention, including the establishment of the party’s constitution, the party’s program, and outlining the general organizing and leading principles behind the American Communist Party.
The constitution officially states that “The Party upholds and strives to deepen the American revolutionary tradition beginning in 1776 and for the construction of a sovereign and united Republic by, for, and of the American people.”
It continues to say that it is the successor of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), which they have deemed to have dissolved itself by “refusing to abide by the laws they themselves establish” and by “unconstitutionally intimidating and coercing all remaining clubs within the Party to renounce the petition movement”, as stated in their declaration.
According to the constitution, it is the “official reconstitution of and successor to the historical Communist Party USA.”
Their program, announced in Chicago and available to read on their website, states that the goal of the ACP is, among a multitude of other things, is to stand for “the immediate closure of all overseas military bases, the unconditional destruction of NATO, and the elimination of transnational financial institutions such as the IMF in favor of sovereign economic agreements and win-win cooperation“.
“The ACP is focused on results.”

Some participants were interviewed by our on-the-ground reporter.
When asked what they thought of the event, one respondent named Braxton, aged 21 from North Carolina, said that he was “very impressed” by the convention, adding that both the constitution and the party program signaled a “great direction for the party”.
Before this convention, the party had yet to publish an official constitution, something that was a highlight of the event.
Jake, a 23 year old from New York, when asked how he felt about the event, said that he was happy to finally be able to meet all the chapter executives and members. He was “excited to see all the different chapters, all the different perspectives, different lines of work, [and] plans everybody has”.
Jake also expounded upon his reasoning for joining the ACP. “I’m a former member of the CPUSA,” he said. “I always strongly believed in the need for a Communist party in America. ACP is the first one in modern times to actually show promise, and to actually represent Marxism-Leninism”.
Braxton also had a similar story. “I was a delegate in the national convention for the CPUSA,” he stated. “I saw all the flaws from the CPUSA, and I saw that there was a petition movement going on.” The petition Braxton is referring to is the movement that occurred during the leadup to the last CPUSA national convention, where members pleaded the leaders of the CPUSA to not enforce a vote for the Democratic party under the reasoning that the Democrats supported the state of Israel, which is currently conducting a genocide of the Palestinian people.
“The leader of the petition movement told me about the ACP,” Braxton continues, “and I looked into it, and everything sounded great”.
“Communism offers hope.”
Another respondent named Raphael, when asked about the appeal of communism in the U.S., responded that “Communism offers hope. It is also the most rational system. You can see its success throughout all of history.”
“Every time it is tried, it has succeeded. And this is what I want for America.”
Raphael was also asked about the aversion to the concept of communism held by Americans. “America”, he began, “is a country of families. And the communists, in history, have been the first on the frontlines to defending families.”
“No matter what the Western media tells you, you can bet that everything they say is a lie,” he added. “The proof is in the pudding. The Chinese have the strongest families. It’s not just traditional values, it’s their system of communism.”
Matthew, a 26 year old from Florida, when asked the strengths of the party, remarked that “[The ACP] is more active. We’ve had more than two-hundred people from all across America come and converge for a national convention. It’s more than what I’ve seen from other socialist parties. They’re more receptive to speaking to lower-ranked members.”
When asked what separates the American Communist Party from other leftist organizations, Raphael resolutely stated that “It’s very simple. The ACP is focused on results.”
On-the-ground reporting by Louis, written and edited by Seraph
4 responses to “American Communist Party holds its first-ever national convention”
The future awaits!
The future belongs to the working class
God bless the USA. Communism will win
[…] You hear this directly form their own members: […]