Yes, Israel is conducting a genocide in Gaza

As both Gaza and Israel lick their wounds from the year-and-a-half long conflict that has devastated the region, continuous debate still rages over whether or not Israel’s actions can be labelled as ‘genocidal’. Pro-Israel sources vehemently deny this claim, but their evidence is often flimsy. Zionist sources are also prone to ‘cherry-picking’, the act of carefully selecting pieces of evidence that together construct a desired narrative. 

However, even relatively pro-US sources such as Amnesty International have firmly stated that Israel’s actions in Gaza constitute a genocide. The United Nations also released a report detailing their findings of “Israel’s warfare methods in Gaza consistent with genocide, including use of starvation as weapon of war.”

“Since the beginning of the war, Israeli officials have publicly supported policies that strip Palestinians of the very necessities required to sustain life — food, water, and fuel,” the UN Committee said. “These statements along with the systematic and unlawful interference of humanitarian aid make clear Israel’s intent to instrumentalise life-saving supplies for political and military gains.”

The case is made even worse against Israel since October 7th, as a growing number of countries have classified Israel’s assaults on Gaza as a genocide, along with a multitude of international legal bodies and human rights groups. So far, thirty-three countries have labelled the Gaza war as a “genocide.”

Famously, Israel lied about Hamas’ alleged crime of “beheading 40 babies.” Although Joe Biden claimed to have seen the images of the beheaded babies, when the IDF was questioned by Sky News and other sources for legitimate evidence of the massacre, there was none given. However, before the story could be verified, the news had been repeated multiple times by Western media outlets.

There is public information available as to how many times Israel has bombed refugee camps as well. The attacking of civilian refugee camps, which the IDF justifies as attacks on “Hamas terrorists”, constitutes a war crime according to the United Nations. 

Though Israel has constantly denied that they are conducting a genocide, one only needs to look at the birth of Israel as a state to see the clearly genocidal intentions of Zionists since day one of the entity’s founding.
