The Rise of the American Communist Party

On July 21st, disgruntled members of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) met to discuss their dissatisfaction with the recently decided results of the 32nd National Convention of the CPUSA. At this convention, the separate clubs and chapters of the party voted in an allegedly undemocratic fashion to formally back the Democratic Party in the 2024 election to “fight fascism”. This comes after the Democratic Party continues to back the state of Israel, which is currently conducting a genocide in the Gaza Strip.

This vote was highly contentious. Many members that were present at the convention declared the process as undemocratic, even going as far to say that it was a coup. These disaffected members spent the last few weeks since the vote to organize themselves into what they are calling a new “reconstitution of the Communist Party USA”. 

Plenary Committee of the American Communist Party

As per their declaration, this reconstitution has taken the form of what they are calling the “American Communist Party” (ACP). 

The American Communist Party’s declaration states that 29 former clubs of the CPUSA and PCUSA have volunteered to join the ACP. All those who joined, as well as the entire Plenary Committee, gave their signatures on the declaration and posted it to the new American Communist Party’s X account and website. The only self-stated goal of the American Communist Party is to formally reconstitute the CPUSA on more democratic terms.

The hashtag “AmericanCommunistParty” went trending on X for a few days, reaching over 12,000 tweets, with the Party’s trailer and declaration receiving 5.8k and 3.7k likes respectively. The Party’s own X account reached 10k followers in less than 12 hours after the launch, and currently stands at 24k followers just four days after. For comparison, the CPUSA stands at 69k followers. 

As per their website, the American Communist Party does not stand with the Democratic party, and wishes to separate the Party from the Democratic party, rebuking the CPUSA’s “revisionist theory of ‘fascism’”. 

The full list of the Party’s Plenary Committee, including its Executive Chairman, can be found on its website.

Sources: ACP Website, CPUSA Website,
