Russia’s biggest media outlet RT to continue working in the West

According to RT, Russia’s largest news outlet, the media platform has plans to continue operating in Western countries despite the sanctions, and will find workarounds to do so.

The United States has also taken steps against RT, specifically targeting Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, whom they describe as a ‘key player’ in Russian efforts to spread ‘malign influence’. Simonyan responded on RT by stating that the West has been suppressing the network since 2014, following the Crimea’s vote to be annexed into Russia, and has intensified these efforts since early 2022, when Russia began its special military operation in the Ukraine, attempting to hinder RT’s operation as a standard journalistic organization.

“We stayed in those countries, we worked there, and we shall work there – just not now in a straight line,” Simonyan said. “We will continue to do that as far as we can – so far it is working out – it’s almost like an exquisite gambling thrill.”

“They close entry to us, and we will go through the window, close the window and we will go through the vents and we will see what holes there are in the organism of the United States of America.”
